As emotionally unsettling my last burn out cycle was for me, I still felt peace through it all. The day that I had my wake up call, there was a peace that was with me. That day as I talked to different people I felt more peace about what I thought that God was asking me to do. Most of the people I spoke with that day offered words of encouragement and comfort. There was a few that gave me permission to make the decision to close a chapter in my life. The permission was a relief because the last thing I wanted to do is to leave my team at work in a lurch. This last year has been trying and hard at work and we have been through a lot of transition. So this would not be an ideal time for me to leave my job. But there is really no ideal time to leave a job. By the end of the day, I felt a different level of peace. I knew that I would be ok no matter what decision I made.
Over the next fews days, as I thought about my future and what God was asking me to do. I felt this unshakeable peace and I tried to shake it to make sure it is real. But I couldn’t shake it. Three days after my wake up call, I woke up feeling a peace that I never felt before. It was like a heavy blanket of peace over me. I realized that I did not want to leave this peace. Under this blanket of peace, I felt at rest even though I did not know what was next.
Three days later, I met with my supervisor and I told her that I will be putting my notice in at work. Walking away from this meeting I felt a freedom and peace because I knew I was in God’s will and I was at rest. I didn’t know what was next. But I knew that God was in it where ever I was headed next after I was done at work.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7
There are things that they don’t tell you when you quit your job without a plan of what is next.
***This is part of a series of blog posts of me sharing about burnout and things I have been learning through this. They are numbered in the order that they are written in and to indicate that they are part of this series.***
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