


It seems I have been hearing this word again and again in the last couple weeks.  It is to the point now that I am wondering what God is trying to tell me.  Many times when God is trying to tell or teach us something that word or phrase or concept keeps being brought into your life in many different ways.

About two weeks ago my Pastor, showed a video and there was a sentence that stuck out to me.  “God made me for a purpose and when I delight in Him it’s brought to the surface!”  Made for Something Great by James Grocho.  In the Old Testament delight was used these two ways: Two of the most common Hebrew terms for delight are hepes [,pej], “to bend towards, to be inclined towards [an object or person], ” and rasa [h’x’r], “to delight or take pleasure in.”  In the New Testament delight was used in this way:  The Greek word most commonly used for “delight” is eudokeo [eujdokevw], usually used when God’s purpose, resolve, and choice are in view.  When we bend towards or are inclined towards God, it is in those moments that He reveals to us what purpose He created us for.

This past weekend, I went on a retreat with about 36 other young adults who love Jesus and have a love for snow and community.  The theme for this weekend was drawing near to our Creator.  Someone shared Joseph‘s story for devotions one night.  Joseph was sold by his own brothers into slavery.  He was betrayed by his master’s wife and was put into prison.  While he was in prison, he interpreted dreams for his fellow prison mates.  Because of this Joseph was taken out of prison by Pharaoh, King of Egypt, to interpret  Pharaoh’s dreams.  Joseph then was given a position in authority by the King to make sure that Egypt had enough of food for the 7 years of famine.  Because of the famine, his brothers came for food in Egypt and Joseph had the opportunity to forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery.  And this person at the retreat pointed out that Joseph had to go through what he went through to be brought into the purpose that God created him for.

As I thought about how this last phrase and what Joseph had to go through be in God’s purpose.  It made me realize if it wasn’t for what I had not gone through as a child, I would not be where I am today.  There was a chain of events that followed me through my childhood and into adulthood that brought me where I am today.  Today I believe I am in my purpose that God created me for.  In college I realized my purpose in my life is to provide hope to people who are sometimes in their darkest times.  And this hope starts with the unconditional love of our Father and Jesus.

Sometimes we have to go through tough times in life to bring us to our purpose and the reason we were created for.  So instead of being focused on asking God why bad things or tough things happen in our life, draw near to our Creator and look for the beauty that can come from ashes.  And in the days you can not see this beauty or your purpose because life is overwhelming. Look to your Father and ask Him to provide a glimmer of hope that you can hold onto.

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