4. “I’m tired.”

My job was to empower them through these moments, show them hope in the hopeless situations and provide resources for them to move forward in life.  

While I was doing helping others dream for themselves, inside over time I had quit dreaming.  I had allowed life to stifle my creativity.  I had allowed my own exhaustion to take over when I had down time.

Lessons in the Storm

Recently I have been faced with one of the hardest things that I have had to go through in my adult life.  While I am still in the midst of it all, there are a few things I have learned in last couple weeks.  

The costs of being jaded

And I almost wore this jaded filter as a badge of honor.  I thought it was okay to view my clients that I worked with through this jaded filter.  In some ways, I thought I was being wise when I looked at my clients with this jaded filter.  I remember telling a coworker that I can tell she is early on in her career because of the hope and optimism that she has in a situation with a client.  

Jesus Loves You More!

Think of a time when you have created something.  You are proud of and love this creation that you made and the purpose that creation was created for.  This isn’t much that creation can do that would not cause you to love it.  Now take that love and pride that you have for your creation and multiple that by an infinite amount of times.  This is the love that God has for you!!

God celebrates baby steps

Sometimes in life we think that we need to have do big milestones before we can celebrate or before God celebrates with us.  And because of this we become paralyzed and might not start anything at all.  Or we don’t think baby steps that we started are worth celebrating. But in reality God celebrates every

God reminders and lessons

Recently life has thrown some challenges at me and my family.  Some of the challenges could be enough to shake someone’s faith.  Some of the things are big and life changing.  There are a few things I learned along that way or that I have been reminded of; as I deal with and process the