Each Person Matters
Can we stop arguing?!? The fact is that 18,559 people have died in the United States in 81 days! This number does not include the people who have died that are not related to COVID-19.
Can we stop arguing?!? The fact is that 18,559 people have died in the United States in 81 days! This number does not include the people who have died that are not related to COVID-19.
The Coronavirus has completely changed our lives in what it seemed like an instant. In these unprecedented times, take a few moments to document what you are seeing and experiencing in words and pictures.
You meticulously and brush the sky with the stroke of your paint brush. You do this with intention.
A few years ago, I started a tradition for me on Christmas morning. My tradition is to go into nature on Christmas morning and take pictures. I love it because there is a stillness and peace. It’s like the world is still asleep. There are few cars on the road. And when you are out…
We have been fed this lie that being busy is a good thing. I think as a society we have become addicted to being busy. We think we have to be busy all the time. It is to the point when someone asks us “How are you doing?” A common response has been “busy.” When…
9. Trying to Hide my Brokenness
While I was in it, especially in the last year, I knew life was hard but I thought I was dealing with it ok. If you had asked me, “how are you doing?” I would have probably say “ok” or “good” and I truly believed that. The funny thing I thought I was carrying it well and that I was fooling the people around me.